
Monday, November 13, 2006

The McBournie Minute: Celebrity divorces

In Hollywood, adopting African children is out and divorcing your loser husband is in. Reese Witherspoon, Whitney Houston and now Britney Spears have all filed for divorce from their husbands.

Really, who cares?

It doesn't matter, does it? Nothing in the world changes with that news coming out. Yet the country is obsessed with it. America is obsessed with celebrities the way high schoolers are obsessed with the popular kids. Remember them? They could say anything and it was funny, they knew all the other cool people and chances were none of them gave a bowel movement about you. Yet the school was always abuzz with what the popular kids were doing or saying.

The same is true today. American society is an extension of high school. We read about the cool kids in the tabloids and see them talk about why they are cool on the news. They often misbehave, but their status gets them off the hook every time.

One must wonder, if celebrities are the popular kids, what does that make the rest of us? I'll see you in the cafeteria, save me a seat.



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