
Monday, November 20, 2006

The McBournie Minute: Thanksgiving

As we all know, later this week, it's Thanksgiving. It's a time to go home, see your relatives, remember why you don't see them that often and eat lots of turkey. You watch the parade and at the end, Santa Claus comes out, ushering in the Christmas season.

Got that, sales people?

Listen, toolbags, you've been cramming holiday cheer down our holiday throats since before Halloween. You keep extending the Christmas season every year. Before too long, we'll be breaking out It's a Wonderful Life around Labor Day. The line has to be drawn somewhere.

That goes for you, too, radio stations that play Christmas music 24/7 for over two months. Give it a rest, no one wants to hear LFO's version of "Jingle Bells"--at least not since 1997.

Fa la la la la you.



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