
Monday, December 11, 2006

The McBournie Minute: Jeeps

Jeep has had their bobble head doll commercials on TV for quite some time now. The genius behind them is that rather than real people driving the cars, it's bobble head people, they're not even larger than normal bobble head dolls.

As they drive along, they bob their heads, as bobble head dolls are prone to do. All of that is fine in my book, but the music they play is atrocious.

Assuming they're aiming these commercials at a younger crowd, it was a good idea to go with a rap song, but how about more than one line in the song. Near as I can understand, the line is "And they bouncin' in Jeeps on the New York streets." And they play that one line over and over and over. The latest commercial, with the gas station, shortens the line to "And they bounce" on repeat. The beat in the background has bells in it. What the hell kind of a rap song is this? Alright, time to play my exit music.




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