
Monday, January 15, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Dead people

It seems like everyone who is anyone is dying these days. Gerald Ford, James Brown, Saddam Hussein, etc. If dying is now en vogue among celebrities, let me be the first to say: go for it, I'll help. In fact, here's a couple celebrities I wouldn't mind seeing involved in a tragic accident with a train:

Tom Cruise--I'm pretty sure this guy's on everyone's list. At some point this guy just went nutso. Celebrities acting crazy is fine by me, it's when they become preachy nutso celebrities that I draw the line.

Patrick Dempsey--Hey, good for you, you made a comeback. Great, you have a hit show now. Shave, for the love of god. It's one thing to go for the three-day stubble look, but it's another to have two layers of stubble, one goatee-like layer and another layer everywhere else.

Random news, 24 is back. Kick ass.



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