
Monday, March 12, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Spring training

Can you feel the baseball excitement? We are only a few weeks away from opening day and Major League Baseball's triumphant return. And with the new season there is a message:

The Boston Red Sox won the 2004 World Series--get over it.

As a Sox fan born and raised, it is very tough for me to say that. On my couch is a 2004 World Series blanket. I have T-shirts from both the World Series and the 2004 American League Championship Series (in its original packaging, hello, eBay!). But I feel it is time to stop celebrating and get back to business.

Sure, we waited 86 years to win, sure, it was nothing short of a storybook ending, but two teams have won the World Series since then. Hell, one of them was the team we beat two years ago. It is time to look toward the future and stop celebrating the past. Here's to the 2007 season.



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