
Monday, April 23, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Social Security Numbers

Every where you turn these days, private information is being leaked. Bank servers get hacked, government laptops are stolen, that guy in Africa needs some information so he can send you $50,000 and so on.

The Washington Post reported Saturday that the U.S. Census Bureau has for ten years, posted the Social Security numbers of 63,000 people on a public web site. Oops.

Folks, perhaps it's time we all stop pretending we are superheroes and keep our secret identities so closely guarded. We all have these numbers and most of us have no idea what they are really for. Because we all have them, what does it really matter if everyone knows our numbers?

It is time to accept the fact that our numbers will be hacked and released to the public one day. Stop fighting it, we are all going to be found out one day. Those who are with me on this one, please leave your full names and Social Security numbers in the comment section below.



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