
Monday, April 09, 2007

SG Editorial: It's okay to hate us

So the "big-time" bloggers want to regulate blogs now because they can't handle the negative feedback. They also want every blogger to "pledge to get a second source for any gossip or breaking news they write about."

This idea cannot be taken seriously because, well, blogs are not serious. They are not news sources, and they are not the product of an honest day's work. These are diaries, put into public because of our own rabid need for validation and social prominance (even on the Internet). What's the difference between a blogger and a Fox News pundit? One wears a tie to work.

What's even more disturbing is the implication that news organizations use blogs as breaking news sources. It's bad enough that the majority of news reports are the same four stories transmitted via the Associated Press, but the idea that paid reporters are perusing blogspot and livejournal for hot scoops is ridiculous at best and frightening at worst.

SeriouslyGuys is taking a stand. We know what we are, and we have no delusions otherwise. However, this will be an easy fight. Tim O'Reilly and Jimmy Wales can craft up all the rules they want, but--as happens time and time again on the Web--who's gonna enforce them?

Current mood: Indifferent -_-
Category: Web and Blogging
Currently listening: Numa Numa!



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