
Friday, July 28, 2006

To the global warming mobile!

Working in the news world, you deal with a lot of crazy--crazy stories, crazy people and more. This more or less makes you develop a dark sense of humor about the world and people in general. Suddenly, you find yourself laughing at reports of a man threatening to kill himself and his fiancée (not in that order).

When those types of things happen, I'm always glad that I can come across stories like the formation of a new group in Maryland, headed by a local man and Greta Van Susteren's sister, Lisa. The local man, who knows me through other stories, called me yesterday and announced the formation of the group aimed at making citizens of Maryland act more ecologically.

"What's it called?" I asked.

"The Global Warming Action Alliance," he said.

I nearly burst out laughing. Instantly I had an image of a group of convservation-themed super heroes forming a league.

Global Warming Action Alliance, ASSEMBLE!!!


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