
Monday, November 27, 2006

The McBournie Minute: Classic Rock

And we're back. Classic rock radio stations are easily found on anyone's radio dial. They play the songs from the 60s, 70s, sometimes the 80s and early 90s as well. My question is this: who decides what is classic and what is not?

Somewhere, a long time ago, radio stations decided 50s rock was not "classic." But as time goes on, more songs are added as they leave the realm of "current" and enter "classic," no songs ever leave. When do classic songs become ancient?

Remember in high school how there were kids who always wore the T-shirts of bands their parents listened to? It was common to see Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Doors, The Who and Pink Floyd. Will there still be those kids in 20 years, or will those bands be replaced? Obviously, Nirvana will be up there, but who else? Smashing Pumpkins, Bush, Foo Fighters?

Will there still be overweight dorks roaming the halls with Weezer shirts?



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