
Monday, December 18, 2006

The McBournie Minute: Serial Killers

It seems like serial killing is once again en vogue. From the two serial killers in Arizona, to the prostitute killer in Atlantic City, the fad has even spread to England recently.

Sociopaths are all the rage. Rather, sociopaths are all the quiet, dispassionate calmness when it comes to killing someone.

But why is it trendy to be murderous again? Don't people realize the vast majority of these guys get caught? Look at the BTK killer in Kansas City, he went on a rampage back in the 1970s and 1980s then stoppped. Local police had no idea who the guy was until he started sending local media letters a couple years ago. It was his desire to be famous again that got him caught in the end.

Perhaps they should all turn their efforts to other, lower-profile crimes, like insider trading.



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