
Monday, April 16, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Don Imus

Alright, enough of the Don Imus story. He's fired, all 100 million angles of the story have been covered, it's time to move on.

What is sad, however, is that no one is asking how that basketball team was affected by his comments. What Imus said was wrong, but how is that different from any other morning DJ and how many of those players ever listened to Imus in the Morning?

I would like to know who was the one that reported the comment to Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Their outrage is totally understandable, but it is not grounds to blackmail corporations into firing employees. The problem is that there is no clear line for anyone anymore. Carlos Mencia can say whatever he wants about every single race he can think of on a weekly basis on his television show, but Don Imus has a slip up and he gets canned.

The point is, comedy is supposed to be edgy, it is supposed to shock and even offend at times. So there will always be the chance of someone stepping over the time. Rather than a bullet to the head, the punishment should be slap across the face.



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