
Monday, July 02, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Coffee

There is a magical drink out there that I only really discovered a year or so ago. It gets you going when you need it, it protects from liver damage and gives you smelly breath. The drink I am speaking of, of course, is coffee.

A few years ago, there was no way I could drink such a foul and odorous beverage. Then I got a job. Suddenly, getting up early in the morning and be expected to be productive at work a short time after was a challenge. Gone were the days of getting up for an early class, then returning to bed afterward.

On Monday mornings, coffee is especially important. It always takes that extra bit to get going. But one has to wonder, are we growing dependent on foreign beans? Are we going to rely on the Columbians for our primary source of fuel? Dunkin' Donuts has already thrown their hat in, declaring "America runs on Dunkin'" so what chance do we really have? It's time we start looking into alternative sources of caffeine.



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