
Monday, July 16, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Harry Potter

Let me be clear on this one: I don't care about Harry Potter, whether in book form or in movies. I don't know anything about the wizardry in the them, the characters and their developments, I don't know who killed whom and so on.

That is precisely why I am really tired of hearing about it from the media. For months on end, the headlines have been unavoidable. They have all been either an interview with J.K. Rowling about how hard it was to write the last book, hype about the upcoming book or about the newest movie. It happens every time there is a new book or movie released. Enough already.

I realize they're something of a phenomenon with people, but those of us not into magic have had to endure your overzealous enthusiasm for a decade. It's time to stop, people. You're grown men and women obsessing over children's books. Like a junkie trying to find their dealer, as soon as the new stuff comes out you all hop in a five-hour long line to get another hit.

Spend some time outside. That might be a cure. Or better yet, read this blog as obsessively as you read that drivel.



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