
Thursday, July 26, 2007

SG Editorial: Dog fighting not a bad thing

By now, everyone has heard about how Atlanta Falcons quarterback Michael Vick is facing a slew of charges for dog fighting and mistreating animals. It has drawn the scorn of many protest groups, like the turncoat People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals.

This blog is here to say Michael Vick is a hero. He was doing exactly what any true warrior with the means would do in this crazy mixed-up war. He captured several of the enemy and turned them against each other in a technique seldom seen since Vietnam.

Instead of scorning Vick we should be hoisting him on our shoulders. Bravo, Vick! You have lead the way for us all.

Yet this crisis shows the hypocrisy of the country. Why is it perfectly acceptable for our armed forces pilots to practice dog fighting, but not for our athletic stars? Why is it there are no pickets outside of the History Channel headquarters for airing their new season of Dogfights? If it's OK for one to do it, it's OK for everyone to do it.

That's why this blog has $50 riding on the one with the foam coming out of his mouth.

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