
Monday, August 13, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Hurricanes

It's August, and that means two things: here come the hurricanes and Christmas commercials are only a couple weeks away.

But for some reason, we haven't seen a single threatening hurricane this year. The best we have seen are some dinky ones in Mexico and Flossie, a hurricane currently heading toward Hawaii. Just like last year, there has been nothing that interesting this season.

Remember two years ago? You couldn't go a week without hearing about a new hurricane forming off the coast of Africa. It was the year Mother Nature took a WrestleMania approach to attacking the eastern seaboard. A year before that there were nearly as many storms.

I miss seeing weathermen yelling and struggling against the wind as they report live from the landfall site of a hurricane. Normally I hope a large piece of debris comes to carry them off. More so, with such scorching hot weather, many places in the country are experiencing drought conditions.

Shape up, hurricanes. You've got some havoc to wreak.



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