
Monday, October 22, 2007

Bill Maher, FTW

Good morning, SeriouslyGuys and Gals! We've learned something this weekend: Bill Maher will kick your patootie in the same sense that Jerry Springer kicks patooties, and that's by telling security to do it. (Fair warning: the second link contains audio of NSFW language.)

So if you're planning to protest a television show, here's some criteria to consider first:

    1) Does anyone watch the show when it's not on YouTube? No? Then find a more popular show for your full 15 minutes.

    2) Does the host berate his or her guests? If so, you're next.

    3) Are you protesting in favor of a cause that makes you officially less credible than the tobacco industry's assessment of cancer risks? If so, then you'll probably get maced when off-camera, too. (I mean, really. At least Big Tobacco spreads lies for profit, stupidity aside.)
With this quick checklist, you, too, should fare better next time you want to interupt American television.


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