
Friday, June 22, 2007

Attention, peoples of Earth:

Not everything is about you.

Out of concern for other terms possibly denigrating others, this blog suggests the following nomenclature changes:

1) The "Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker" must now be called the "Goldenrod-Bellied Sap Consumer." We're sorry nobody addressed this sooner, Asians and homosexuals.

2) "Black boxes" on airliners must now be called "dark, fireproof recording device enclosures." This will alleviate the feelings of African-Americans and women.

3) Communists will resume being called "Commies," but not "Reds" or "Pinkos." It was insentive to imply Native Americans, homosexuals and Grease characters embrace the ideology of Marxism and/or Leninism.

4) "Earl Grey tea" will now be called "Earl Ashen tea" out of respect to visiting extraterrestrials who might be insulted that we consume a beverage obviously named after them.



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