
Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Kidz Korner: War is fun!

The Army has a big new problem: nobody wants to join. They think people are afraid to sign up because of the war in Iraq. Well, that's no fun!

The whole point of joining the Army is to go to war. Who wants to join the military only to wear camouflage at Wal-mart? Young men and women are supposed to enlist because they want to go to exciting places and blow them up!

Think about what you want to be when you grow up. Would you want to be a firefighter that only washes the trucks? How about an actor that only waits tables and auditions for roles? Or even an Michael Collins, who had to mind the ship while Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin moon-bounced? Of course you wouldn't!

It's up to you, kids! Sign up at your local recruitment center and demand service in the giant sandbox before we're stuck in another one of those lame-o peacetime ruts. Otherwise, you're just playing Dress-Up ... and that's a girls' game.



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