
Monday, July 09, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Bluetooth

A little while back I got a new cell phone. My contract was nearly up and, oh yeah, my old phone died. The cell phone I got was Bluetooth capable, but wouldn't let me use my old headset that connected by a wire.

So I got a Bluetooth headset. I love it, it's great, but at no point have I felt the need to wear it around in public when I am not even using it. Nor have I wanted to use it in public when both of my hands are free. I use it in the car and that's it.

It just doesn't make any sense to me while people wear them. They look like some sort of beetle trying to crawl out of your eardrum. What's worse is that when you use it in public, you look like you're talking to yourself. So take my advice, Bluetooth owners: do not use the headset unless your hands are otherwise occupied. After you're done with the call, hang up and take it out of your ear.



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