
Monday, September 10, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Camping

I know it's been a couple weeks since you've seen me, blame the long weekend and such. I'm back and I'm staying here Mondays.

That said, this past weekend I went camping on Loft Mountain in Shenandoah National Park. My friends and I chose it because it has beautiful views of the Blue Ridge Mountains, secluded areas and the threat of a bear attack.

We camped out on the top of the mountain at a campground where you had to walk around in order to find other people. Our cell phones didn't work and the park rangers were a 15-minute walk away. More or less, we were on our own. Then we saw the people with RVs.

It is amazing to me why people would bring these monsters to such a camp. The whole point is to get away from the usual trappings of life and enjoy the bare minimum. RVs basically make your camping trip into another day at your house, but with a much better view. These things were huge, too. I don't even know what "RV" stands for.

I contemplated these matters as I sat and whittled a stick to a sharpened point. After all, you never know when you might need a sharp object to fend of black bears, or an RVer straying from his ride.



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