
Monday, June 04, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Tom

MySpace has been around for quite a while, so much so that it is become a major method for communication in society. We use it to show our friends how popular we are and we use it as our own personal PR department. SG even has a profile.

But there is a looming mystery about MySpace: who is Tom? You know, that guy everyone is friends with when they first sign up. As MySpace users, we feel the need to believe that Tom exists. We believe he is there for us when we need help and he listens to us when we send him a message to his profile.

Is there really a Tom? Perhaps we all just use Tom as a crutch, believing in him only when we need something. Many MySpace users choose to turn away from Tom and delete him as a friend on their profiles.

In the end, it really comes down to whether or not we want to believe in Tom. Some of us feel the need to talk to Tom everyday, and others feel content to live their lives without the glory of Tom. But one thing remains clear: what kind of a single 31-year-old guy lists Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives and American Idol as some of his favorite television shows?



  • "Tom" was actually a typo for "God".

    I know two people who met Tom. He showed his penis to one, and struck her blind. He farted at the other and rendered him deaf.

    Then he increased their Top 8 to 16.

    By Blogger Unknown, at 12:49 PM  

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