
Monday, November 05, 2007

The McBournie Minute: Writer strike

Some of you may have heard that the writers in Hollywood, better known as the Writers Guild of America, is now on strike. This means that the people who write the shows you love will not be working until this issue is resolved. The big shows to be affected are the ones that record nightly, mostly the late night shows.

That is why I am here to say to the networks: I will be your scab. I can even bring three other writers with me, we call ourselves The Guys.

It's not easy for me to say, being the son of a union man. I fully recognize the importance of the worker's union as a matter of leverage against management and evil corporations, but there are some things that are more important, namely, my career. Besides, these writers are all spoiled babies who want for nothing but American boredom. That is just not acceptable.

Hire me, and you'll get a writer who you don't even have to fly out there, I can write from my current location. Not to mention I make jokes about the news on a daily basis. You must have a few shows in need of writers for that. More so, you would get a writer who is familiar with the monologue format of most of these shows.

There are times when unions need to be done away with. Remember what Reagan did when the air traffic controllers went on strike? Or what happened when the Major League Baseball umpire union resigned all of their positions? Maybe it's time for the same thing here.

Not to mention, Grey's Anatomy? I can write that crap. Next week, in an episode ripped from the headlines: George comes out of the closet, but which former cast member will return to call him derogatory names?



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